Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Rome

This is Rome

This is Rome

Why a Booktrail?

1960 – Take a fun trip down memory lane to Rome

  • ISBN: 978-0789315496
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

Rome is a fascinating city by any account but this book takes you around the city soaking up the most interesting and historical facts and sights you can imagine. Tracing the history of Roman civilization, Sasek brings to life the Rome of the 60’s. He’s a funny witty guide too, no boring comments or dry facts from this man! No, he might not be holding up an umbrella in case you get lost mind, so take this book and let’s see Rome!

Travel Guide

There is a lovely note at the start of the book explaining how Sasek was first inspired to write these books following a holiday in Paris when he realised there were no travel guides for children.

This is Rome  – the city of Romulus and Remus, the wolf who brought up both children on the hillside before Romulus established a village which then became Rome…

The legend started on the hill called the Palatine. This is where the tour starts as the city is very historic and built on both legend and history, making the tour which follows even more interesting.

Once in Rome, we navigate Rome’s busy streets, winding and weaving as they do like ribbons making up a city full of iconic landmarks and where Ancient Rome stands side by side with the modern day version.

There’s the statue of Michelangelo, Vatican City, the Pantheon, and the Fontana di Trevi which have stood the test of time. Knowing something about their creation makes this a fascinating tour!

Modern Roman life is also colorfully portrayed from its trains, trams, and taxis to its chic espresso bars and pasta houses.
And find out what the inscription S P Q R means…

Booktrailer Review


I know it’s for children but I really believe adults should read these books as a trip down memory lane or even just to see what books for children used to be like. The illustrations are quirky and colourful and they really are timeless especially with the key in the back detailing just what has changed – it really brings home the joy of travel no matter what time we live in or how old we are!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Web: miroslavsasek.com

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