Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Venice

This is Venice

This is Venice

Why a Booktrail?

1961 – Take an trip down memory lane to Venice

  • ISBN: 978-0789312235
  • Genre: Childrens, Travelogue

What you need to know before your trail

Another great classic from Sasek in which he shows us the Venice of the 1960s so we can see how much things have changed and what life was like back then. For children it will no doubt seem like a bygone era, but this a trip around the city still relevant as it takes you around the sights, sounds and aromas that only an Italian city can create.
Venice is an historical city, one built on water and a tongue in cheek motto here – “Abandon wheels all ye who enter here”

Travel Guide

What do you think of when you think of Venice? Water? Gondolas? Ice cream. Somethings luckily never change as Venice was very much made up of all of these things and more back in 1961 too.

Even the journey to get to Venice is exciting. Wheels are abandoned, a two and a quarter mile causeway from the main land has to be crossed before you even get there.
(Parking concerns were obviously a concern back then as well)

The illustrations grab you from the word go. Venice is painted quite literally as a city awash with colour and style, romance and history. This is  a journey on a gondola as Sasek navigates the canals to visit the local landmarks such as Palazzo Grassi, Piazza San Marco, Doges Palace, and the Accademia di Belle Arti.

There are notes at the back of the book to show how things have changed since the book was written and Venice depicted in this way  but nothing much has changed and the charm is as strong as ever.

Booktrailer Review


What a lovely book! I love the series and am so pleased these books are still popular despite their age. They are true timeless classics and even though I’m not old enough to have read them the first time, I have recently discovered these through friend’s children and keep wanting to borrow them to reminisce and see what life was like before.

These were written before the internet search function was even a twinkle in Mr Google’s eye really and so there is a charm about this series that is very special!

And I don’t mind telling you that I always feel I learn something too and I’m way above the recommended age range!

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