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  • Location: Washington DC

To Kill the President

To Kill the President

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: If you knew the President of the USA was a tyrant and you uncovered a plot to kill him, would you stop it or let it happen?

  • ISBN: 978-0007413720
  • Genre: legal/political, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

The unthinkable has happened…

The United States has elected a volatile demagogue as president, backed by his ruthless chief strategist, Crawford ‘Mac’ McNamara.

When a war of words with the North Korean regime spirals out of control and the President comes perilously close to launching a nuclear attack, it’s clear someone has to act, or the world will be reduced to ashes.

Then, an inside plot to kill the President is discovered and the woman who uncovers it, a seasoned Washington operator ,  faces the ultimate moral dilemma. Should she save the President and leave the free world at the mercy of an increasingly crazed would-be tyrant – or commit treason against her Commander in Chief and risk plunging the country into a civil war?

Travel Guide

Washington DC

Meet the author on location

This is the main setting of the novel – the heart of political America but from one white house, the ripples from one event flicker across the world…

The perceived threat of a nuclear attack from Pyongyang and the American president reacts by almost flicking the nuclear switch himself. Imagine the power that the most powerful man in the world has and the actions and efforts it will take to stop him destroying the world?

The main settings are of course ..

The White House

The Pentagon

Arlington Cemetery

But there are visits to New York, Maryland, Virginia, Africa and even …Norfolk…but these give the game away and are fleeting visits so no mention here. Plus of course, you can’t forget Pyongyang – never visited in the novel but the focus of the whole story..

Streetview Maps

A) The Capitol
B) The White House

Booktrailer Review

This is eerily prescient. Eerily prescient. Many people will read this and think it’s about the current state of affairs. A president is hell bent on destroying Pyongyang and the rest of the world and is seconds away from pressing the button to destroy them..and us…would you stop him if you could? What would happen if you don’t – could the enemy press the button first? Were they even going to in the first place?

This really is  a breathtaking read – it was so possible and real that it’s scary too. Chilling from the word go – how easy it would  be to end the world with the press of a nuclear button. How governments work and how the chain of command works and …doesn’t. The range of characters is epic but not overly so as each one is carefully constructed and developed. Of course the author has worked heavily in the political arena and you can tell – but this is no political agenda – this is an easy to read but it ricochets along with the nuclear force behind it.

It was a fascinating insight into the White House, the mind of the President and his staff and the military not to mention the world stage. There is so much you can identify with, despite this being an arena that most of us will never had an experience of. This author shocks and makes you think – whilst plunging you head first in to the most powerful and dangerous political arenas in the world

It makes you think, hold your breath and fear for the world today.


Booktrail Boarding Pass: To Kill the President

Author/Guide Sam Bourne  Destination: Washington DC, The world  Departure Time: 2000s

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