Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Buenos Aires, Brazil, Greece,UK

Twin Truths

Twin Truths

Why a Booktrail?

2000s:Just what kind of special bond do twins really share?

  • ISBN: 978-0995672390
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Jenny and Pippa are twins.

Like many twins they often know what the other is thinking. They complete each other. When one of them disappears, the woman who is left behind must rebuild her life alone as she tries to find out what happened to her soul mate.

Travel Guide

The journey of  discovery takes her to Argentina, Brazil, Greece and the UK

Buenos Aires

“And so I came to Argentina – somewhere different and faraway – to getaway, to forget, to start again By the time, I had finished talking, the blue light of early morning was pushing down the edges of the tallest buildings, whitewashing over the concrete.”

Cafe con leche y media de manteca. Breakfast, Sitting outside at a pavement cafe in fresh Saturday sunlight. Alone with coffee and papers. I watched with interest the people who inhabit early Saturday morning in Beunos Aires.

Casa Rosada:

“The square needs crowds to breathe and the crowd was deeply engrained in the Argentine psyche” Someone in the novel sits here and thinks about Eva Peron and the history of Argentina.

“Buenos Aires had a way of making six degrees of separation feel vey evident. For al its sprawling size, social circles overlapped time and time again”

Brazil – Iguzu Falls

From Iguazo airport, we tool a tourist bus direct to the Brazilian side of the falls, where the hotel awaited us to extravagant ownership of a view to die for. Despite my heady start, despite all the pictures I had pored over, I was gob-smacked. A picture always limits. A picture cannot stretch from one blurred extreme of your range of vision to the other.It cannot sound and smell and engulf you. A picture after all, is just a symbol, a metaphor for something that cannot be translated. I faced the panorama of the falls, felt the continuous rain of gentle spray and listened to the incessant crescendo of falling water, in awe of the misterly monotony of this living , breathing view”


The sun is low in an orange sky. Heather stretches, blurred, into distant hills, and below us now is the sea, a dark desert in the shadows of sunset.”

“Later, we are sitting in a taverna, picking lazily at olives and a menu of fragmented conversation”

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

What is the truth exactly? Get two people to tell the same story and there are two different versions. Two different memories and two accounts. How if you believe one story can you then believe another.

Meeting one twin then the other….which is the real story or is there more than one? Twins have that sixth sense anyway, that special link but this story goes so much further and into some very dark and uncomfortable places. It’s not easy reading by any means and there are some very chilling and unspeakable scenes.

It’s a novel  about identity, personality, secrets, hiding the past, revealing a truth…

So it was even more interesting to find out the author’s inspiration for this books – twins, the links between them, the idea that collective amnesia can follow a traumatic event such as the dirty war in Buenos Aires. A book which psychologists will no doubt discuss for a long time.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Twin Truths

Destination: Buenos Aires, Brazil, Greece,UK  Author/Guide: Shelan Rodger   Departure Time: 2000s

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