Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Vineland, New Jersey



Why a Booktrail?

1871, 2016: A testament to both the resilience and persistent myopia of the human condition

  • ISBN: 978-0571346981
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

2016 Vineland
Meet Willa Knox, a woman who stands braced against the vicissitudes of her shattered life and family – and the crumbling house that contains her.

1871 Vineland
Thatcher Greenwood, the new science teacher, is a fervent advocate of the work of Charles Darwin, and he is keen to communicate his ideas to his students. But those in power in Thatcher’s small town have no desire for a new world order. Thatcher and his teachings are not welcome.

Both Willa and Thatcher resist the prevailing logic. Both are asked to pay a high price for their courage.

Travel Guide

Vineland, New Jersey

Mary Treat really was a nineteenth century biologist and has been intertwined into this novel  via her journals and correspondence with Charles Darwin amongst others.

The other characters who appear in the book are real too, as are the events evoked. The Venus flytrap self-sacrifice, the female vote of 1868, the life and times of Charles Landis and the murder on Main street can be found in any good history book. This is fiction, but brings that time and place to life.

The Greenwood family is fictional as if Thatcher’s relationship with Marty Treat.

Vineyard New Jersey was a hotbed of contention at the time. Thatcher Greenwood and Mary believe in Darwin’s teachings and science whereas on th other hand,  the town is ruled by Landis , a man who believes that God is the creator of everything and that science is nothing more than witchcraft.

Vineyard during Victorian times is a fascinating place to be. A mirror on the modern world of today in many ways and the controversial struggle between science and religion, one belief system against another and the men who aim to be the most powerful and spread their knowledge to others, almost as disciples to their followers.

The ideas and theories of evolution and science take centre stage and battle it out in Vineland, NJ, USA.

Streetview Maps

B) USA - NJ - Vineland - Landis Avenue
D) USA - NJ - Vineland - Plum Avenue

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Unsheltered

Destination : Vineland, New Jersey  Author/Guide: Barbara Kingsolver  Departure Time: 1871, 2016

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