Why a Booktrail?
2000s: Benedict Tungazara, 10, loves beautiful birds, his mother’s cakes, and making people happy…
2000s: Benedict Tungazara, 10, loves beautiful birds, his mother’s cakes, and making people happy…
Ten-year-old Benedict is feeling happy. His family’s new home in Swaziland has the most beautiful garden in the whole entire world, teeming with insects, frogs and his favourite cinnamon-coloured birds. Here, crouched in the cool shade of the lucky-bean tree, it’s easy to forget the loneliness that comes from his siblings playing without him, easy to stop himself fretting about how to fix his Mama’s failing cake-baking business.
Of course, there are many things in Africa that cannot be put right by a boy who isn’t yet big. But in Benedict’s wonder-filled world, even the ugliest situation has a certain magic.
A story of a migrant family struggling daily with life in the country of Eswantini. There is a huge number of people living with AIDS, the regime is repressive and women are regarded and treated as the possessions of men
Benedict, a 10 year old boy, loves animals and we see the country and the goings on through his eyes as he tries to make sense of the events surrounding him.
The location is nicely drawn.
Destination/Location: Swaziland/Eswatini Author: Gaile Parkin Departure: 2000s
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