Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: England

When I Was Ten

When I Was Ten

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: When children kill….

  • ISBN: 978-1509876969
  • Genre: Crime, Psychological

What you need to know before your trail

She had lived a lie for thirteen years, and the perfect life as she had known it was about to change forever.

Everyone remembered Sara and Shannon Carter, the little blonde haired sisters. Their Dad was the local GP and they lived in the beautiful house on the hill. Their best friend, Brinley Booth, lived next door. They would do anything for each other but everything shifted on that fateful day when Dr Richard Carter and his wife Pamela were stabbed fourteen times with a pair of scissors in what has become the most talked about double murder of the modern age.

Travel Guide

A look inside the case of a child murderer

Any murder is shocking but when a child kills it’s even more so. This novel is not about locations but about being placed in a very unique situation when life today is changed when a secret from such a case comes to light. The novel was ‘inspired’ by Mary Bell who was only ten when she murdered two boys. The other notorious crime was the murder of two year old James Bulger in Bootle, Liverpool.

The girls in the novel were aged ten and twelve at the time at the event. One, nicknamed the Angel of Death, spent eight years in a children’s secure unit accused of the brutal killings. The other lived in foster care out of the limelight and prying questions. Now, on the anniversary of the trial, a documentary team has tracked down one of the sisters, persuading her to speak about the events of that night for the first time.

Her explosive interview sparks national headlines and Brinley Booth, now a journalist, is tasked with covering the news story which brings to light fresh evidence and triggers a chain of events which will have devastating consequences.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: When I Was Ten

Destination/location: England  Author/guide: Fiona Cummins  Departure Time: 2000s

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