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  • Location: London

When She Was Bad

When She Was Bad

Why a Booktrail?

Destination: London   Departure Time: 2000s

When work really does become your worst nightmare.

  • ISBN: 978-1784160197
  • Genre: Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Amira, Sarah, Paula, Ewan and Charlie  all work together in the same office and have done for years. Office life is just as you might imagine it – everyone knows everyones else’s business from the way each of them takes their coffee to what their children are up to. They seem to all get along but that all changes when one day a new boss takes over and starts to rattle a few cages, pitting each of the friends against one another and revealing some deep dark secrets between them.

The second story thread revolves around an eminent child physiologist who is thinking back on to one of the most horrific child abuse cases she ever had to deal with – the place they called the House of Horrors in the press – and the fall out from it.

How can two seemingly disparate situations come together? It’s not going to end well.

Travel Guide

Office life – that fishbowl of society where you work in full view of everyone and everyone knows what you have for lunch and if you are five minutes late. The space where you are forced to spend several hours a day with people you might not like – but also a place to work in a team with people you get along with and pass the time of day with.

Well you can’t always know what these people you see at work every day are really like. Superficial relationships are the norm and do you know who you really work with? What is below desk level so to speak, below the surface?

Boss Gill is unceremoniously dumped from her job and the new boss Rachel Masters comes in like a bull in a china shop, with all guns blazing. These changes prove to be extremely unsettling and their individual secrets, up to now hidden from view, start to leak out, unravel and become all consuming.

The way in which a nice cosy-ish office environment changes from relatively nice place to work to hell on earth is staggeringly good.

There’s also the horrible experience of a team building weekend…

The second story thread revolves around an eminent child psychologist  who is thinking back on to one of the most horrific child abuse cases she ever had to deal with – the place they called the House of Horrors in the press – and the fall out from it. This is setin fictional La Luz in the USA but the setting is not the main event – it’s that house of horrors and what comes out of it.

Booktrailer Review

Clare :  @thebooktrailer

Tammy Cohen hats off to you. I did not see that coming and as I read this over the Easter Weekend, I almost choked on a shard of chocolate thanks to you. I ended up eating two whole eggs after that as I did not take my eyes from the page and so had no idea what I was eating.

The office politics was what got me at first – blimey we’ve all been there to some degree and I did groan as well as smile at some of the goings on. And the team building exercise was just a hoot. I don’t mind reading about them. just doing them

This is a novel that is too close for comfort if you work in an office and even if you don’t the other storyline of the abused children was hard to read about and the case of the Austrian Cellar was alluded to which made me sad. Just how was Tammy going to weave this all together?

With a big fat stitch of psychological chills that’s how. Read this in daylight hours with a cold compress for your head ready to apply if need be. Which you will need, I assure you.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @MsTamarCohen

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