Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Northumberland

You Can Run

You Can Run

Why a Booktrail?

2023: It wasn’t her dad they were after. It was her.

  • ISBN: 978-1529414868
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Ruby Winter is surprised when her reclusive father invites a stranger into their house. She eavesdrops on their conversation and is alarmed when she hears a fight break out. She dashes into the kitchen to save her dad but the stranger’s the one lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

Her dad urges her to pack a bag. They must quit their Northumbrian cottage and run. There isn’t time to explain why. But as they try to flee her dad is captured.

The only people who can help her are the villagers she has shunned her whole life. But, desperate to find her father and to work out who took him and why, she must seek their help.

But what if learning the truth means discovering the life she once knew was a lie?

Travel Guide

Northumberland tales found in the book

Winter’s Gibbet near Elsdon, a macabre memorial to William Winter who was hung there for murder in 1792

The book is set just after the big storms in early 2023 which took down trees all over the county. The photo of Shepherd’s Cairn  was taken on a walk the author took to find the cairn. 2I had to climb over quite a lot of debris that day” he says!

Another image is one of a  ‘blind’ near Holystone. One of the mercenaries in You Can Run uses this to keep watch on Coldburn to stop people leaving the village.

Trail Gallery

BookTrail Boarding Pass: You Can Run

Destination: Northumberland Author/guide: Trevor Wood  Departure Time: 2023

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