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Bookshop of the Month – Tynedale Hospice at Home

  • Submitted: 13th August 2018

A very special bookshop for August’s Bookshop of the month. One I’ve visited many a time but was very pleasantly surprised to walk in this weekend and see that it had the most stunning makeovers of makeovers!

It’s Tynedale Hospice at Home second hand bookstore in Hexham Northumberland

Where once only shelves of books had stood (nothing wrong with that of course), now there were shelves of books, chairs to sit and relax on, tables with even more book displays and a CRIME THRILLER room where once you walk inside, you feel like a literary Mr Ben. Happily awaiting to see where your next literary adventure will take you!

Tynedale Bookshop sells used and second hand books and is a book haven with a difference. There were lots of people wandering in and around when I was there and because the store had just been redecorated and arranged, the poor owner could be heard telling people as they came in and gasped – “Yes, we’ve had a make over. Still lots of great books but now in different places.” One man wandered over to where I was at the fiction stand only to query where the crime was. He seemed very pleased to find his favourite fiction now had its own space!

Tynedale Bookshop

Tynedale Bookshop

And as for fiction fans: there’s this rather snazzy little corner with suitcases and umbrellas to really take you to the places in the book

Tynedale Bookshop

Tynedale Bookshop

Tynedale Bookshop

Tynedale Bookshop

This shop now still has as many books as it ever had (and there are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS!) but what’s lovely is how the shop owners have taken this space and made it into a real haven of books and reading People sat in the chairs, browsed and even sat on the floor;

Tynedale Bookshop

Tynedale Bookshop

The table displays really made a difference as this was the first thing I saw when entering the shop. imagine the themes they can do here – it’s not going to be the latest releases necessarily in a second hand bookshop but then there’s more freedom than usual and it only takes a little  imagination to do wonders! The current theme is cookery and food. Yum!

And there were many on the look out for local authors. Have you got any by L J Ross I heard one woman ask? And Mari Hannah too. Local crime writers are very much loved here! Taking of love, apart from the books, what did I love about the store? This sofa which I have now claimed as my own. All I would be missing would be my humble cup of coffee to immerse myself into literary haven bliss

Tynedale Bookshop

Tynedale Bookshop

So, whilst all bookshops have a certain magic about them, I found this one particularly nice as it’s a second hand store but has created such a magical reading and browing experience to rival any other. You can tell it’s been created by someone who loves books and reads themselves but not only that, someone who understands the magic of reading.

Be sure to head there as soon as you can – ( I came out with a bag full of new reads!)

Tynedale Hospice At Home Shop
Battle Hill, Hexham NE46 1BA

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