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BookTrail Birthday!

  • Submitted: 25th January 2023

It’s TheBookTrail’s birthday today

Let’s celebrate with a competition and give away some books! I am always so grateful to everyone who reads and engages with this site. Honestly I can not thank you all enough for your kindness, messages and friendship! This community really does rock.

Happy Birthday BookTrail


A few package holidays waiting to be won!

Headline Books Logo

ONE- Three titles from HEADLINE either just out or still to be published!

Orenda Books

TWO – A selection of Orenda’s finest titles will be winging their way to you

LIN Anderson

THREE  – Lin Anderson has three titles on offer for the lucky winner!



Please enter and comment as to which you would prefer if you won

UK only due to postage costs, sorry!

Just Retweet the Birthday tweet that is pinned to the top of the

BookTrail Twitter Account

Good luck!

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The Darkening Globe

1597: Each time the globe turns, murder strikes…

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