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BookTrail Book Awards – 2024

  • Submitted: 15th December 2024

BookTrail Book Awards – 2024

The Awards are back! It’s that time of year again when we celebrate those memorable bookish moments. The books that have fallen through the door, into the trolley, heck even into your hand in the bookshore. The memories made and the funny moments captured.

BookTrail Book Awards

First up – The one with a fantastic dreamy location 

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop Satoshi Yagisawa

Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

Set in the very real area of Tokyo called Jimbocho – A neighbourhood filled with bookstores!

I would love to go here for real even if 1% of this book is real!






The one with the best adventure

Saltblood Francesca de ToresSaltblood

Oh this was good! I have always wanted to go on a pirate ship and sail the seven seas. Maybe minus the pillaging and the violence but hey ho. This book was fantastic.

You don’t often get to meet female pirates but Mary Read was amazing. Loved the bookish name too. She was actually a real life pirate but Francesca has taken her life and other details and fictionalised a swashbuckling story.

What a ride!



The series I am most excited about

The Troubled Deep Rob ParkerThe Troubled Deep

This fell onto the mat and I started reading it straight away. Fresh voice by an acclaimed author Rob Parker. But a brilliant new series involving a police diver who looks into cold cases in Norfolk.






The one where I go back to a very happy time

Dead Behind the Eyes Ian Moore

Dead Behind the Eyes

This crime mystery set in Tours, France. I haven’t read much modern English language fiction set here so that was a lovely surprise!

Beautiful place and lovely people. The food! The places to wander and read books!

Cracking novel too.





The quirky one

Maps of Imaginary Towns S J Bradley

Maps of Imaginary Towns

The title got me, the writing made me stay. Loved the concept and how it was imagined.







The one where my eyes were opened

Scandalous Women Gill PaulScandalous Women

I had no idea about Jackie Collins and Jacqueline Susann and the birth of the sexy novel! I didn’t even know what Valley of the Dolls was about. Boy did I learn something in THIS book. No wonder the cover is the colour of a flushed cheek. Just sayin.haha






The one where I met a very shady character from the past

A Poisoner's Tale Cathryn KempA Poisoner’s Tale

I had no idea there was a woman in Italy, back in the day, who created a network of drug dealers essentially who sold poisons to anyone who needed them. Poisons that women could put in their husbands food or drink if they wanted to be free from their marriage or abusive relationship. Italy was very religious at the time and women were restricted in what they could and couldn’t do. This was so well written and researched that I ended up cheering them on. Impressive!





What an epic reading year!! Hope you had one too.


Susan x

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