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The Booktrail Top Ten 2016

  • Submitted: 20th December 2016

This is the time of year for The Best Books of 2016 lists and I can’t tell you how much I’ve wondered if I would be able to write such a list. Just ten books? That’s not many at all. So I almost nearly didn’t write a list. But some books really deserve that extra special mention as I am still thinking about them…weeks, months after closing that cover…

Booktrail Top Ten

So drum roll please haha….

By the way this is in no particular order. Blimey it was hard enough picking ten. Putting them from 1 to 10? Impossible…but here are my ten book memories of this year…and the reason why they’d stayed with me

book1For a cracking thriller with added punch – Black Night Falling – Rod Reynolds

I read Dark Inside and immediately fought to ensure that I got to read the second one as soon as it came out into the bloggersphere. I’d started to have literary infused dreams in the run up to this book. But reader, last night I dreamt I went to Texarkana again…

When I met the author at an event, he was as lovely as I hoped he would be. I may have been  a little in awe to be honest. What kind of man writes such a cracking and scary thriller? A good one who hands you free rum punch that’s who. 😉


BooktrailTopTenFor a moving and poignant read – The Constant Soldier – William Ryan

William Ryan has taken me to Russia and the wintery chills of war so many times, I have chillblains as his books are so evocative. Could I cope with a novel about a soldier? A tear jerker? Well no, I was a mess at the end but it was so moving and brilliantly memorable that it goes on this list as everyone should read this book.


BooktrailTopTenFor a novel which grips and never lets you go – In Her Wake – Amanda Jennings

Now there are two meanings to this sentence. The book gripped me from the first page. I was intrigued to read on and it’s a book which has never left me since. It’s such a great and layered read that I have since read it again to revel in it a bit more. I was nervous when I met the author – was I going to grab her and hug her to the point where she would have to get me removed? Would I be able to resist? Turns out no as it ended up being a  mutual appreciatino society – In her wake and in awe!


BooktrailTopTenFor a haunting melody which is still whispering in my ears – The Bird Tribunal – Agnes Ravatn

This book is just lovely and amazing and melodic. The remote location is chilling and each of the words seeems to echo that bit more due to the claustrophobia in the novel. It’s lyrical in many ways and really can’t be reviewed well enough – it’s a book to experience…


BooktrailTopTenFor getting out of my comfort zone – The Girl Who Had No Fear – Marnie Riches

I do love a good George Elliot novel and have read all four. Set mainly in Amsterdam, this latest novel takes the reader all the way to Mexico and South American jungle. Now I do like it when a charactrer I know and love goes someplace else and this for me was a great addition to an already cracking series.


BooktrailTopTenFor reminding me why I read novels which freak me out – Tastes Like Fear – Sarah Hilary

There are some reasons unknown why I continue to read novels which chill me a little. I read them at night as well as they seem even more chilling. And I know I ‘m going to dream of what I’ve just read about. I normally do so often have to read more sedate books at night. But when I get a Sarah Hilary, I find it impossible to wait. Sleep is not important right?


BooktrailTopTenFor taking me to a place where I don’t want to leave – Nightblind – Ragnar Jonasson

I now want to live in Siglufjörður in Iceland. It seems so charming and so remote (despite the murders and intrigue of Mr Ragnar that is) that I quite like the idea of being somewhere you need a car to leave – that is if the tunnel out of town isn’t blocked with snow… Actually I’m not sure I could really live there but when I’m there in the books it’s like the only place on earth


For showing me the magic of Beatrix Potter and the Seven Sisters – The Shadow Sister – Lucinda Riley

This is the third in the Seven Sister series and my favourite so far. Much of the plot centres around an old bookshop in London for a start and it takes on a really lovely thread with links to Beatrix Potter and a mystery centered in the Lake District. I always hold off what I’m doing to read a Lucinda Riley book but this one was extra special. It’s got a lovely shiny HB cover too so perfect for Christmas book shelves!


For making me want to be in a silent movie! – The Last Days of Leda Grey – Essie Fox

The cover is the best I’ve seen in a long while. I bought two copies and have framed one of them. Yes it’s that pretty. Hats off to the illustrators mind. WOW! Now, then, this book is something else. Gothic, lyrical and reading it is an immersive experience I will never forget. The correct way to read it is draped over a chaise longue wearing a feather bower I believe. I’ve loved all of Essie’s books but I am giving this one as a present to quite a few people this year!


annnnAnd the award for making me teary and wanting more –  The Last Night Cesca Major

I learned so much about an event I hadn’t heard of before – a real flood in the UK and one which had such an effect on all who lived there and around the area. It really made an impression on me and I urge you to read this and her previous novel as both are great.

Merry Christmas and happy reading!

Susan Booktrailer

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