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Cabin in the woods set in New York state – Sarah Alderson

  • Submitted: 8th July 2022

Cabin in the woods set in New York state – Sarah Alderson

This is the first book I’ve come across with a rhyme instead of a blurb. It’s brilliant….

In a cabin in a wood,A woman by the window stood. Glancing out, she thought she heard Footsteps, whistling, something stirred.

Hiding here, she fears the night, For what’s done in the dark will come to light. She must run fast to escape her lie
Or she’ll be the next to die…

BookTrail Travel to  A Cabin in the Woods

Cabin in the woods set in New York state - Sarah Alderson


Boarding Pass Information: The Cabin in the Woods

Destination : the dark woods of NY state

Author guide: Sarah Alderson

Genre: creepy thriller

Food and drink to accompany:  You won’t feel like eating!




A novel to transport you to said cabin in the woods

BookTrail Travel to  A Cabin in the Woods

The chilling cover made me wnat to read. It didn’t take me long to get freaked out either.

The cabin in the woods turns out to be a refuge when a woman named Rose goes there to escape. She’s got plenty to escape  – namely a bad relationship, fear, danger and so much more. The novel flits between the now, and the then, when we see how Rose came to be where she is today and why. She had quite a good life before it would seem. She had money, a high-class life and a charming character. Ryan makes her feel special. Well, at first.

There’s darkness in this novel and it’s not just what goes on in the cabin in the woods. There are bad things in Rose’s past and indeed present, and there’s traces of abuse of many kinds in the novel, The author drip feeds you with snippets from Rose’s past and background and it keeps the tension going. You’re never sure what is going to happen. Sometimes things are a bit unlikely shall we say, but that’s the fun part of this novel. Things like this could happen. Unlikely but still could happen.

Just what has Rose got into? Well that would be telling but it was a blast finding out. Tell you what, by the time you have been in the cabin in the woods with Rose, you really feel as the tension rising, the suspense making you feel faint and the ending just…..well. What a blast.

BookTrail Travel to  A Cabin in the Woods



Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in New York state here

More books set in the woods here



BookTrail Boarding Pass:  Cabin in the Woods

Twitter:  @sarahalderson  Web: /sarahalderson.com/

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