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Celebrating Literary Northumberland, LJ Ross’ Lindisfarne Prize

  • Submitted: 4th January 2019

Great news! Bestselling author LJ Ross has established a crime writing award worth £2,500 to celebrate the North East. An author who herself firmly sets her novels in the North East, she is now helping others to showcase the region in their writing.

The Lindisfarne Prize is organised in association with the Newcastle Noir Festival. This is the annual Crime Fiction Festival which takes place in May at its exciting new venue of Newcastle City Library! Celebrating Literary Northumberland, LJ Ross’ Lindisfarne Prize is a wonderful way to put the region on the map even more!

L J Ross

L J Ross

The name Lindisfarne is important as this was the inspiration for  LJ Ross’s debut, published three years ago, called Holy Island.

L J Ross Holy island

L J Ross Holy island

So, who can enter?

A new writing who are from the North East or whse work celebrates it.

A writer who has not had their work published previously.


How to enter?

Submit a short story of up to 10,000 words or the first two chapters and a synopsis of their work in progress.

Entries close on 31st March




Send your work as an attachment to the competition e-mail address:


Mark the subject of your e-mail, ‘Lindisfarne Prize 2019’ and you will receive an acknowledgement.


Celebrating Literary Northumberland, LJ Ross’ Lindisfarne Prize  – Winner

The winner will be announced on 3rd May at a ceremony forming part of the Newcastle Noir Crime Writing Festival.

The winning entry in the new Lindisfarne prize will be awarded a prize of £2,500 to support the completion of their work as well as free editorial and mentoring services from Cheshire Cat Books and funding towards a year’s membership of the Society of Authors (SoA) and the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi).

DCI Ryan novels 1 - 3

DCI Ryan novels 1 – 3

Longstone L J RossLJ Ross – BookTrail the locations in her novels here

The latest book from LJ Ross is Longstone and the next one, already out on audio, is The Infirmary and is the prequel to the entire series.

“The North East is such a rich source of inspiration. In fact, without this region, there would be no DCI Ryan. So, it is only fitting that we celebrate the cities, coast and countryside we are so blessed to have here in the North East with this new crime prize.”

DCI Ryan novels 3 - 6

DCI Ryan novels 3 – 6

Just think of what you could write about. The many sites, settings and inspiration that only the North can offer..

DCI Ryan novels 7 - 9

DCI Ryan novels 7 – 9

The BookTrail view – LJ Ross – BookTrail the locations in her novels here

You can literally guide yourself around the region using L J Ross’ novels and they showcase the region in an amazing light. I was born and bred here but I’ve rediscovered my home region and its history. Add great plots and writing to the scene setting and history and you’re on to a winner!

Good luck to all who enter. The winner might also see their story on The BookTrail too!

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