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Crime fiction set in Lagos – Gaslight by Femi Kayode

  • Submitted: 30th October 2023

Gaslight by Femi Kayode

Bishop Jeremiah Dawodu, pastor of a Nigerian megachurch, has been arrested and charged with the murder of his wife, Folasade, the ‘First Lady’ of the church.

BookTrail the locations in Gaslight

Crime fiction set in Lagos - Gaslight by Femi Kayode


Boarding Pass Information : Gaslight

Destination : Lagos, Nigeria

Author guide: Femi Kayode

Genre: crime fiction

Food and drink to accompany: Jollof rice




A novel to transport you to the churches of Lagos

BookTrail the locations in Gaslight

I still haven’t read his first book so I was keen to read this one. I don’t think you have to read them in order but I suppose you might know the main character more.

The wife of a prominent government minister in Nigeria goes missing. You get the idea from the start that this is not a straight-forward case and that there is going to be an investigation which will uncover all manner of corruption. There’s a lot that comes out. A lot. To the point where it was slightly overdone I feel and I did skim a few bits in the middle. I just kept hoping that those who were corrupt would get their comeuppance so I kept reading.

One of my favourite things was the names and nuances of language when reading about Africa and this is nicely done here. I liked how it wasn’t all about the case and that the characters are well formed and fleshed out.

The issues of the church and religion are always hot topics of conversation and I enjoyed examining them both here.

Lagos is very nicely evoked! It felt hot and stuffy throughout and added to the sense of the noose tightening around the corrupt man’s neck.

BookTrail the locations in Gaslight


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Nigeria


BookTrail Boarding Pass: Gaslight

Twitter:  @femi_kayode

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