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Crime set in North Pennines – Robin Morgan Bentley

  • Submitted: 16th September 2022

Crime set in North Pennines

Crime set in North Pennines – Robin Morgan Bentley. A couple are having a baby. With a few weeks to go, they decide to head to the North Peninnes for a lovely break in a guest house. Their last holiday before the baby comes. Time to relax.. Well, not exactly……

 BookTrail Travel to The Guest House

Crime set in North Pennnines

Boarding Pass Information: The Guest House

Destination :North Pennines

Author guide: Robin Morgan Bentley

Genre: crime fiction

Food and drink to accompany: Tinned goods as there’s no supermarket for miles around




A relaxing retreat in a guesthouse in the Pennines?

The story is written in the first person so I was immediately placed in the mind of a pregnant woman about to give birth and her husband. Staying in a  nice guest house somewhere in the North Pennines. I mean it sounds lovely and it’s somewhere for them to have a last break before the baby comes.

The setting sounds lovely at first but by chapter 5 it has changed a lot. The remote landscape, lone lights flickering in the wilderness, the long drive to the house becomes a locked room nightmare with locked doors, flickering lights that weren’t on five minutes ago and a husband lost on the moors miles away from the house.

Crime set in North Pennnines

 BookTrail Travel to The Guest House

Jamie the husband is a very patient man and does everything his wife tells him. She seemed very keen to get away only weeks before the much longed-for baby comes. I mean it could come at any time so she was a braver lady than I would have been. To add to the issues they are facing, Jamie has cerebral palsy so that limits his movements and abilities to get out of the danger that is soon apparent. His wife though – aargh! I would have left her that first night and trekked home across the remote moors. Escape whilst you can and all that.

The plot and writing move along nicely with plenty of bumps and shocks to keep those pages turning. You do have to suspend your sense of disbelief but that’s part of why I like to read – get into situations that hopefully I will never find myself in, that seem unbelievable – and then hope I never do. Sometimes I find life is stranger than fiction anyway, so who knows.

The cover had the best creepiest vibes too. An entertaining read.

 BookTrail Travel to The Guest House


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in hotels here



BookTrail Boarding Pass:  The Guest House

Twitter:  @rmorganbentley

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