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Everybody Knows set in Hollywood – Jordan Harper

  • Submitted: 1st October 2023

Everybody Knows set in Hollywood – Jordan Harper

The Cranberries sang a song called ‘This is not Hollywood’ and the lyrics from that came to mind when I read this novel:

This is not Hollywood
like I understood
This is not Hollywood

The greatest irony of all,
It’s not so glamorous at all.

BookTrail the locations in Everybody Knows

Everybody Knows set in Hollywood - Jordan Harper


Boarding Pass Information : 

Destination : Hollywood

Author guide: Jordan Harper

Genre: thriller, noir

Food and drink to accompany: fancy dinners at the hotel




BookTrail the locations in Everybody Knows

A novel to transport you to Hollywood

Whoah this is edgy and raw!

No sooner has the book opened, then I was thrust into the dark and dingy world that lies underneath the glitzy sheen of Hollywood. One of the characters says that  ‘ no one talks but everyone whispers’, and that pretty much sums up what this book is about – keeping the gloss glossy, the glamour sparkling but being quick to have a sneak peek behind the scenes. You know, for protection.

We quickly meet Mae Pruett who is a publicist with a difference. She’s almost a bodyguard beefing up the good news and ensuring that the bad news gets locked out and knocked out. Morals and reputation are thrown out the window and stamped on. These publicists take no prisoners. When they talk about stories leaking out to the press and what the press sees, she is told that if you want to sell a story, you have to give them heartstrings or horror. You soon get the picture of this version of Hollywood!

BookTrail the locations in Everybody Knows

Dan is the one that has taught Mae all she knows. She goes to meet him as he wants to talk to her about a plan, an idea. When she gets there, he lies dead – shot in his car. Naturally, she wants to find out what the plan was. Ex boyfriend and cop Chris Tamburro is a natural choice.

When Mae and Chris get going, this is when the book opens up it full net of shadows and horrors. A giant spiders web lies before you with the trapped prey, bloodied bodies and  broken dreams scattered around you. What a show. Car crash TV even – you see things you don’t want to see but you can’t stop looking.

If Hollywood is even a shred of what it’s like here then ….I have no words. The dregs of humanity and the worst of society are all here for you to see. It’s like going down to hell and you just keep digging.

There are some gory, nasty and utterly compelling scenes in this book as Mae and Chris try to make sense out of it all. They want to tip the world back on its axis and find out why Dan was killed. It’s all gripping stuff and this is surely a movie in the making.

Times Book of the Month too!

BookTrail the locations in Everybody Knows


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Hollywood


BookTrail Boarding Pass:  Everybody Knows

Twitter: @jordan_harper

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