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Five books (plus chocolate) to tuck into at Easter

  • Submitted: 16th April 2019

Books to read at Easter. Themes of chocolate, rabbits and family time.

Easter is obviously a religious festival but it’s also a holiday for spendimg time with family and of course for eating chocolate. There are books you can read at Easter as they include one or all of the above…..

There’s a good pick of books here for Easter reading. Some involve chocolate, rabbits and baby lambs….

Five books (plus chocolate) to tuck into at Easter


Five books set at Easter

Finding Dorothy
Author/Guide: Elizabeth Letts

There’s always a good film on the TV at Easter. A nice children’s film is always good to reminisce with. What about reading the story behind the man who wrote the book? Click your heels and travel to the Los Angeles and South Dakota to help Find Dorothy..it’s set in Hollywood and it tells the story about Maud Gage Baum as she learns that M-G-M is adapting her late husband’s masterpiece, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, for the screen…..


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Author/Guide: Lewis Carroll

You can’t have an Easter reading weekend without a book with the most famous white rabbit in the world in it, can you?

Five books set at Easter


A Farmer’s Diary: A Year at High House Farm
Author/Guide: Sally Urwin

Another book about fluffy animals! This time, it’s the memoir of funny anecdotes as well as the hard work involved behind the scenes on a farm.You can read the book and then go and visit the farm itself! Lots of lambs this time of year.

Author/Guide: Joanne Harris

What’s better than Chocolat? Chocolat and Strawberries perhaps ( See The Strawberry Thief here ? With this series of books (there’s one with oranges in the title too), you’ll have to head to the Chocolate shop before you tuck in. Both great stories and a lovely return to the French village where it all began…

Five books set at Easter

Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop
Author/Guide: Rebecca Raisin

Tea with the family this Easter? Want to get away? Well this book has both of those themes inside. And everything is better with a cup of tea, right?

A feel good book for the holidays


Happy Easter everyone!!


And don’t forget the other tours around Literary settings: 

Five books set on the beach

Five books set in lovely locations

Five books with a foodie twist

Five books set at sea

Five books set in hotels



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