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Five Books with a Foodie Twist – A BookTrail Literary Tour

  • Submitted: 15th January 2019

Five books with food as a theme

So, hands up. Who has dropped their New Year’s resolutions to eat less cake? Eat less in general? No? Still on track?Well  with these books, it doesn’t matter if you’re on a diet or not, as there are no calories involved with reading them. Unless you drool over the pages at the mouthwatering descriptions that is…

Here are Five books with a Foodie Twist. Maybe you’d better eat before you read this or at least be close to a food outlet for after you’ve finished.

Books with a foodie twist- BookTrail Literary Tour

Books with a foodie twist- BookTrail Literary Tour


Books with a foodie twist - Christmas tea shopRead with your Christmas leftovers

BookTrail Travel to Dorset via Christmas Teashop of Second Chances – Donna Ashcroft

What’s in this book then? A teashop in Dorset. That makes you think of so much such as cakes, tea, scones, and lots of pretty colours on the tablecloths. A Christmas theme so perfect for reading and finishing up the last of the mince pies. A story to enjoy at any time of the year really as the teashop is the  start of the show.





Books with a foodie twist - The Herring GirlsA nice piece of fish ..maybe chips with this one

BookTrail Travel to Whitby via The Herring Girls – Theresa Tomlinson

There’s something fishy going on in this story and it’s not just the Herring trade. There’s secrets and trouble in store for the herring girls. With her mother paralyzed, 13-year-old Dory is determined to save her brothers and sisters from the workhouse. This book captures the spirit of a food industry the region is still famous for – have you taste the fish at Whitby? Worth a visit or three or four, if you can.





Books with a foodie twist - Paradise Cookery SchoolJoin a cookery school!

BookTrail Travel to  The Paradise Cookery School in St Lucia with Daisy James

Who hasn’t wanted to try and enter Bake Off, or be the next celebrity Chef? No? Just wanted to take a holiday and join a cookery school? Daisy James makes this possible in her fun series of books set in St Lucia. Ah, this is the book you will need to read in a cake shop if at all possible as you will be heading there afterwards if not. The descriptions of the cakes are up there with the lucious destination. What more could you want from life? Books, food and travel?




Books with a foodie twist -The Little Italian BakeryFood lovers paradise – Italy!

BookTrail Travel to The Italian Bakery with Valentina Cebeni

Italy is known for its great food. Who doesn’t love an Italian meal? set on a fictional Italian island, there is plenty of scope for cooking and discovering great food.  This is the island where she can fall in love again: with friendship, baking and adventure.

Bonus! There are many Italian recipes in this novel – from Gelee al limone to dishes of all delectable descriptions!




Books with a foodie twist -The Little Breton BakeryFrench Cuisine anyone?

BookTrail Travel to The Little Breton Bistro, Paris with Nina George

You can’t have a foodie post without visiting France, can you? This one is set in Brittany at a very special cafe. Marianne in the story is very depressed and so decides to make her way to Kerdruc, to escape life for a while. She ends up at the small restaurant of Ar Mor (The Sea) where she finds a new home here and a new reason for living.


Enjoy and Bon Appetit!

BookTrail More Books with a Foodie Twist here


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Five books set in lovely locations

Five books set at sea

Five books set in hotels


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