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#FrenchBookFriday – Books with French threads…

  • Submitted: 20th April 2018

Something a bit different this week – not books necessarily set in France but books with a French twist….

Or French threads in novels…..books with French subplots, scenes in France or a French link…

French Friday

France has been  the setting of several books recently where something strange has happened……where part of the plot has really taken root on French soil and where the mystery steps up a notch

French FridayA “school trip” of sorts

The book is largely set in Great Malvern and Herefordshire in the UK, but there’s a thread which unravels in France. It’s about a young girl  – Lou Wandsworth  – who runs away to France with her teacher Mike Hughes. As an adult she realises how wrong this was and when she hears about it happening again, she feels she has to stop him from hurting someone else.





French FridayDon’t stop for too long at the French services!

In this book, there’s a very interesting visit to a rest stop – where the girl gets out and her boyfriend waits in the car. Problem is she never returns and the rest of the book is looking into what happened and why…

The couple had been skiing int the popular resort on Megeve but the happy holiday doesn’t last for long….





A story of Diana Princess of Wales

Based on the true story of the links between Wallis Simpson and Princess Diana, it’s the Paris set thread in this story which is particularly fascinating. We all remember what happened on that fateful day in 1997 but to revisit this and find out what the story behind Diana’s visit to Paris was, and the times she spent there are particularly fascinating.





French FridayThe Paris terror attacks

This is a story of hope and endurance set on the night of the Paris terror attacks and you’ll see the events unfold through the eyes of fictional characters and get a sense of what that really must have been like. But that’s just the start, this is a story of so much more..

And let’s not forget:





French FridayThe Tin Man goes to Provence! – Sarah Winman

The book is largely set in Oxford but there’s  a lovely thread where  the study of Van Gogh and his paintings is nicely illustrated:

“To become a better artist. I like to imagine how it would have been for him, stepping out of the train station at Arles into such an intense yellow light. It changed him. How could it not? How could it not change anyone?

Happy Friday reading every one – see even books not really set in France can surprise you with a little bit of French magic…

More books set in France here

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