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Friday Reads Fit for A Queen

  • Submitted: 10th June 2016

Friday Reads is a chance to share a selection of books we’vecome across recently that really showcase some fine writing talent. There’s been times when I’ve had too many to choose from and been a bit stuck to choose just a few. We also like a theme as you know here – so the obvious choice this week is all about the Queen as well as books set in a castle or in a garden party. Something for everyone – children, adults and big kids.

Right Royal reads

The Birthday Crown

Very cute and funny! perhaps one of the most current books we’ve seen.It features her 90th birthday celebrations and a gorgeous Prince George.Very funny and a good gift for kids of all ages really. Much much better than a tea towel or a mug!

The Queen’s Handbag

Also very cute and funny. Actually contains one of the most thrilling booktrails ever – the Queen herself travels all around the UK chasing a swan which has taken her handbag. Spot the locations! We did.

The Cosy Teashop in the Castle

Written by Northumberland native, Caroline Roberts, Caroline’s character sets up a tea room in a fictional castle and she’s blown away by the beauty of her surroundings. There’s lots of gorgeous castles around Northumberland and one of them Alnwick even featured in the Harry Potter films. Both Alnwick and Bamburgh castle havel ovely tea rooms too so we recommend you take the book there to fully appreciate it. With a slice of Victoria sponge of course. Fit for a Queen!

Sissinghurst castleThe Distant Hours – inspired by Sissinghurst Castle

The fictional Milderhurst Castle in the novel is the setting of myseterious and stories dating back decades. Three sisters who have lived here cooped up for years, hiding away from the outside world. One day a young girl peeks through the gates to visit the place where her mother spent some time many years earlier. The walls hide secrets and whispers. Ooh I loved this one! Gothic castles, ghosts, a tower with a story of its own…

The Forgotten Seamstress

Buckingham Palace 1910 – Maria works as a seamstress for the Royal family. She loves her job but one day catches the eye of the Prince of Wales and is captivated by him and the intrigue that surrounds him. A lovely historical tale set right at the heart of the palace.

All reads fit for aQueen in more ways than one. Well that’s how we’re celebrating this weekend. Also going to relive the garden parties such as this one:

One Hot Summer one-hot summer


Enjoy the celebrations this weekend and Happy Birthday your Majesty! Happy Reading one and all!

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