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Fyneshade set in a gothic house

  • Submitted: 17th April 2023

Prepare yourself for a very gothic and chilling read with this one. Jane Eyre and the mad woman in the attic join forces in one character…

There’s gothic delights and all manner of shocks and secrets.

A governess goes to look after a child. The boss is ever absent, his heir ever present. But the danger is not where you think…..

BookTrail Travel to Fyneshade

Fyneshade set in a gothic house

Boarding Pass Information: Gothic house

Author guide: Kate Griffin

Genre: historical and gothic

Food and drink to accompany: nothing you’ll be too nervous


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BookTrail Travel to Fyneshade

Now I love stories about strong, independant women back in time.  I loved Jane Eyre for example. Now the woman in this novel is Jane Eyre if Jane Eyre had joined forces with the mad wife in the attic.

This is a line from the novel:

“Many would find much to fear in Fyneshade’s dark and crumbling corridors, its unseen master and silent servants. But not I. For they have far more to fear from me…”

I mean…can you imagine???

Oh the setting is divine! Gothic and then gothic some more. There’s an old house stuffed with secrets and darkness, there’s eerie plinky plock music floating down the corridors, a governess named Marta, the woman of the house who is not who she seems and some weyward children to boot.

Fyneshade set in a gothic house

BookTrail Travel to Fyneshade

Marta is the one we follow as she enters the house. She’s there to look after the young daughter of the owner, Sir William Pritchard. He’s never around and his heir is mysteriously very present indeed. You might think that Marta could be in danger but oh my word – Marta is not to be messed with.

I loved Marta and was scared of her at the same time. She is a woman ahead of her time in many ways as she does all she can to improve her lot in life. Very Jane Eyre. However, she uses none of the finess of Jane and more of the unpredictable actions of Bertha to get what she wants. You do not want to be in this gothic mansion in real life!

The setting and story were very immersive and it ‘s all very visual. Brilliant in some ways, but not so much in others. Visual yes but visceral too.  There were moments when I felt a bit ill to be honest. Always with the notion that something weird was just around the corner! Nothing in this house was what I thought and no one was who they seemed.

I am now nervous about meeting Kate Griffin to be honest. Scandal and shocking events must dance around in her head whilst she sleeps. I am in awe of this amazing and shocking read and I am still dancing in the darkness of it all.

Dare not light a fire – I’ve played enough with that with Marta in the novel….

BookTrail Travel to Fyneshade

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Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here



BookTrail Boarding Pass:Fyneshade

Twitter:   @KateAGriffin   Instagram: @kateagriffin

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