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Gothic mystery set in Edinburgh Ambrose Parry

  • Submitted: 4th November 2023

Edinburgh of The Way of All Flesh by Ambrose Parry

Gothic and deliciously dark novel of historical medicinal magic set in 1847, in Victorian Edinburgh.

It’s from the pen of husband and wife team Chris Brookmyre and Marisa Haetzman, and boy have they come up with an exciting premise, a setting that fully evokes all the five senses and an insight into Edinbiurgh’s place in the world of medicine and health.

Hope you have a stomach of steel as there are some very graphic desctptions of murder, childbirth and a wholehostof medicalprocedures. Remember this is the time before chloroform or any time of anethetic had been invented. In fact, this book delves into that very medical development which is very interesting!

BookTrail locations in The Way of All Flesh

Gothic mystery set in Edinburgh Ambrose Parry

BookTrail locations in The Way of All Flesh


Boarding Pass Information : 

Destination : Edinburgh

Author guide:  Ambrose Parry

Genre: historical fiction

Food and drink to accompany: pie with a pint of ale




BookTrail locations in The Way of All Flesh

This book brings the Edinburgh of its day vividly to life. Life for women at that time was hard. Rich and poor not only lived streets apart, but worlds. There’s the dark, poor and deadly old Town, and just across from the castle, the new , rich New Town. We venture into this city by stumbing across a dead prostitute. Will Raven finds her is an apprentice to Dr Simpson in the areas of midwifery and anaesthesia. When he ends up living in the Doctors home, he meets Sarah Fisher, who has his drive and intelligence but not his freedoms.

Dr Fisher is unique in the city as he is one of few doctors who cares about patoients whatever their financialstatus, He wants to helpwomen rather than make his name and climbtothe top of the medicalcommunity. Other doctors experiment on the poor and want to make money above all else. They think pain is natural and that childbirth with pain is natural. Well, it would be men who think this,isn’t it?

Gothic mystery set in Edinburgh Ambrose Parry

BookTrail locations in The Way of All Flesh

In this dire world, Raven and Sarah end up joining forces when Edinburgh is darker than normal. Several dead women have been found around the city and most people seem to care not a jot. They however begin to look at things more closely. Edinburgh diesn’t seem to care when women are murdered. Dead prostitutes don’t even count as women.

What a gory gothic joy this was! Might be best not to eat when reading however. As for setting and time, the world of medicine and the role of women in society- this excels at them all. Will and Sarah I can’t wait to see what you do next. Such great, well-drawn characters with histories, personalities and some great chat between the two.

Highly recommended!

BookTrail locations in The Way of All Flesh


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here


BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Way of All Flesh

Twitter: @ambroseparry

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