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Gritty thriller set in Philadelphia – Long Bright River by Liz Moore

  • Submitted: 9th January 2020

A portrayal of the opioid crisis in the USA – Philadelphia

This is a novel with a difference. It’s a crime fiction novel but one which comes at a very apt time in today’s world. When countries have a problem with drugs and cities around the world are suffering, then the novel which looks at the opioid crisis in the USA really hits home..

BookTrail Travel to the locations in Long Bright River

Gritty thriller set in Philadelphia - Long Bright River by Liz Moore

Setting: inner city with a drug problem

BookTrail Travel to the locations in Long Bright River




This is a hard-hitting novel with a unique place in  today’s reading and social landscape. The opioid crisis in the US is something I’ve read a lot about in the media but never before in a novel. This might be fiction, but it reads very real, and the scary thing is that it probably is in some way.

Two sisters. Two very different paths in life. One has taken the route into the police force and the other has taken to drugs. Now the drug addict sister has gone missing and the very place she might be, is the last place you would want to go. This place is Kensington Ave, Philladelphia and the avenue of the same name. It’s where the drug trade and the sex trade prosper side by side. It’s a fascinating if not morbid look into the lives of people addicted and the affects on their family and friends as well as the wider community.

With such a strong background, the thriller also packs a punch. This novel has so many (heartbreaking) layers. Broken families, estranged siblings, the slide into drugs….oh this will pull at your heartstrings and get your heart pumping. Ir’s raw, real and downright immersive. Uncomfortably so at times, but that’s the skill of the author – to take you, no drag you into their world to feel the pain, anguish and sense of foreboding in the book.

The setting of the book is a character in itself. The city comes to life, its politics, the social side of things, everyday for its citizens, how life on the streets can be…

It’s Powerful. Agressive. Provocative and Visceral. Yep, a must-read in many ways.

BookTrail Travel to the locations in Long Bright River


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BookTrail Boarding Pass: Long Bright River

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