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#HullNoir – City of culture and crime fiction

  • Submitted: 1st September 2017

#HullNoir~ Crime Fiction Festival @HullNoir  17 – 19 November 2017

Hull Noir  arrives in the city on 17th-19th November to celebrate the best of British and international crime fiction – the festival playing host to the prestigious Iceland Noir on their bi-annual travels from the festival’s home city of Reykjavik.

Hull Noir

Hull Noir

I was beyond excited and honoured to be asked to be one of the official bloggers for Hull Noir. Along with Anne Cater from Random Things Through My Letterbox,  I will be live tweeting, taking pictures, keeping authors in check and ensuring they behave themselves, and helping to showcase some brilliant crime fiction!


Hull is a city very much in the news right now – it’s City of Culture for 2017 – and the subject of a novel Maria in the Moon by Hull author Louise Beech who wrote is as a kind of homage to the city which was devastated by floods back in 2007. If ever there was a city to show  how strong and together it is, Hull is the one.


maria in the moon

So, who’s going to be there? Well anyone who’s anyone in the crime fiction world! –


NEW NOIR in the form of  Joseph Knox and Emma Flint.

OFF THE BEATEN TRACK : EXPLORING ROADS LESS TRAVELLED – Sarah Ward and Daniel Pembrey who set their novels in some very interesting places…

Hull Noir

Hull Noir

As well as author panels, there’s going to be workshops, so if you’re planning to commit a fictional murder anytime soon, you might want to sharpen your pen and get some insider knowledge from the ones in the know.


Find out more, including the full author list, details about every event and how to book tickets and accommodation at:



Twitter @HullNoir

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