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It’s Women in Translation Month on The BookTrail

  • Submitted: 2nd August 2021

Women writers and translators who brings stories to the world – WITMonth

Women in Translation Month is a very special month in the world of books. It’s special in the world of languages, translations and encourages readers to find out more about the marvellous women writers whose books transcend borders. Their books are translated across the world and so people who don’t read their native language, can read them.  When you think about it, translated fiction is just such a gift!

WIT Month

The Reading Agency says:

Women in Translation Month is all about appreciating the great women writers who do get translated – and of course the people who bring them to us, their translators and publishers. Most of all, it’s an opportunity to join in a worldwide conversation about outstanding writing from all over the globe. This month, libraries and bookshops in the UK, US, Germany, France and New Zealand are highlighting translated books by women. So, what are you waiting for?

So here’s a BookTrail pick of some books by women writers translated into English:

First of all, we have a book from the past…

The Saga of Gösta Berling Selma Lagerlof

The Saga of Gosta Berling – Selma Lagerlof –

Translated by Sarah Death

The first book on the list, is this classic. Set in 1820s Sweden, it tells the story of a defrocked minister named Gösta Berling. After his appetite for alcohol and previous indiscretions end his career, Berling finds a home at Ekeby, an ironworks estate owned by Margareta Celsing, the “Majoress,” that also houses and assortment of eccentric veterans of the Napoleanic Wars. Berling’s defiant and poetic spirit proves magnetic to a string of women, who fall under his spell against the backdrop of political intrigue at Margareta’s estate and the magnificent wintry beauty of rural Sweden.

Books by Camilla Lackberg

Sweden – Camilla Lackberg  novels

Translated by Steven T. Murray, Tiina Nunnally (Translator) and the new series – Neil Smith

This is the woman solely responsible for my learning Swedish. I wanted to read them in the original language but I was also fascinated to see how this writer was translated so her stories and her little village of Fjallbacka reached the four corners of the earth.

Cold as Hell Lilja Sigurdardóttir

Iceland – Cold as Hell translated by Lilja Sigurdardottir

Translated by Quentin Bates

If you haven’t come across the crisp, sharp writing of Lilja, then you really need to do something about that. This woman IS Icelandic Noir. This latest novel is about a woman, Áróra who returns to Iceland to find her missing sister Ísafold. Of course, it’s never as simple as that….

Hotel Cartagena by Simone Buchholz

Germany – Hotel Cartagena by Simone Buchholz

Translated by Rachel Ward

Next on our list, is this lady from Germany. Simone’s books are dark and hard hitting. Raw and sharp writing blows your mind. Getting that across in translation is quite the feat! In 2016, Simone Buchholz won the Crime Cologne Award. Blue Night won her the runner-up  German Crime Fiction Prize.

Elena Ferrante

Naples, Italy – Elena Ferrante

Translated by Ann Goldstein

Now, we come to a classic and mysterious author. A great series of novels written by the mysterious Elena Ferrante. Ferrante’s books, originally published in Italian, have been translated into many languages. Her four-book series of Neapolitan Novels are her most widely known works.


Celebrate  WIT Month with a good book!

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