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Lock Every Door set in NYC – Riley Sager

  • Submitted: 23rd July 2019

Welcome to New York City – Lock Every Door…

Oh wow. Once in a while, a novel comes along that knocks you off your feet. A novel you have to read at night even though it creeps you out. Imagine being given a job of an apartment sitter in a plush NYC building. You get paid $4000 a month just for living there. There are some rules however. One is that you can’t use social media to take pictures or spread news about the place. You aren’t allowed to stay away for the night or have someone stay at the plush pad. You can’t talk to neighbours unless they speak to you. And are you inquisitive? That would be frowned upon…

Welcome to The Bartholemew. A plus apartment complex where everyone wants to live. Except those who have read the newspapers and believe the legends that have grown up around the place….rumours of a troubled past…

BookTrail the locations in Lock Every Door

Lock Every Door set in NYC - Riley Sager

BookTrail the locations in Lock Every Door

Setting: A posh apartment block in NYC…(think Dakota but filled with horror)



What goes on behind closed doors in a posh apartment block? Those rich ones that surround Central Park look very nice indeed. John Lennon lived in a famous one called The Dakota. The one in this book is just as flash and famous  and just as memorable for the wrong reasons.

Jules gets the chance to be an apartment sitter at the exclusive and gothic Bartholomew. She’s to look after it for a while and live there, but there are very strict rules. And I mean VERY STRICT rules which include no visitors, no sharing any pictures of it on social media and no staying away for even one night.. It’s hardly a friendly place either as the neighbours are a bit strange. All very private and they don’t like being disturbed. Oh and another thing – there’s another sitter in the building and she seems spooked. What IS going on?

“Welcome to your new home. You may never leave”

This is one very creepy and unforgiving place. GOTHIC, WEIRD and VERY VERY DARK! It might put me off going inside a grand old building for a while to be honest. You know the phrase that things are just too good to be true. Well, this job offer for looking after this apartment is! To sum up, the place is CREEPY with a capital C. Great to visit but at least I could leave!

t does get slightly far fetched towards the end but it was so much thrilling fun by that point that I didn’t care. It was a reading experience and then some and I was SO in that apartment with Jules. When all is said and done, this was a thrilling and scary ride and a fast-paced read!  A fun, fast and can’t wait to talk about it to other people kind of book.

Riley Sager manages to take the everyday, normal situation and then turn it into something really dark. Really enjoyed this but will look twice at those buildings in NYC next time I go….

BookTrail the locations in Lock Every Door

BookTrail it

Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in New York City


BookTrail Boarding Pass: Lock Every Door

Twitter: @riley_sager Web: www.rileysagerbooks.com/

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