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Package Holidays in Books

  • Submitted: 5th May 2020

Package Holidays are the best ways to travel

Can’t go on holiday this year? That’s hard to bear. Holidays in hotels, on beaches and in tourist areas might be hard for a while but there’s a way of helping you deal with your sense of wanderlust and that’s via books. You CAN go on a package holiday in some way – take a careful selection of where you want to go, pack a suitcase and head off into the literary sunset.

Package Holidays in Books

Package Holidays in Books

Let’s go!

First on the travel list, it’s time to head to FRANCE for a majorly clever literary mystery tour of Crozon.. Wander the cobbled streets and head into a very special library – one that contains rejected books, lost manuscripts that have never seen the light of day. THE MYSTERY OF HENRI PICK Who will find them? Who wrote them? And what happens when a book is discovered and its journey out of that library is a literary mystery in itself?


Mystery of Henri Pick set in Crozon, France - David Foekinos

Wonderfully evocative of a small French village and a very special place of books.

Choosing books is hard work (not) so you might find it good to stay in France but head down to Provence for a little light refreshment in the lavender fields there. You might find it so nice you’ll want to stop there for a while. That’s what the female character in ESCAPE TO THE FRENCH FARMHOUSE does. She is supposed to set up home but the husband…well…. so she stays and goes it alone! Raise a glass of whatever you’re drinking to her.


Travel to Provence with Jo Thomas

Travel to Provence with Jo Thomas


Oh ok then. Even if it’s not – we’ll be eating or rather feasting in TO LAHORE WITH LOVE. This is  a journey of family relationships told with the love of food and how it brings people together. It’s so heartwarming this book, I’m not sure if that’s what warms you as you read or the hot Pakistani sun? Hope you’ve brought some of that French fizz with you from Jo Thomas!


To Lahore (and London) with Love - Hina Belitz

Now then….all that sunshine…..the latter part of the package holiday is going into dark and cold territory. Take some of that Lahore sun and head into chilly and chilling Iceland with THE MIST by Ragnar Jonasson. There’s mist, a very remote farmhouse and with considerably less lavender and sunshine that the one in Jo Thomas’ book. There’s a couple living here and there’s a snowstorm. It’s very remote. VERY remote. But suddenly there’s a knock on the door…..

Mystery set in The Mist in Iceland - Ragnar Jónasson


You might wish to take a rest at this point as your heart-rate will be racing. Take your time before BOOKing your last part of this package holiday. Rosanna Ley will keep you a gondola…..


From Venice with Love Rosanna Ley

Before that however, there’s a visit to Lisbon and Prague…can’t say more than that as there are letter with secrets to be revealed. What you can know is that a major stopover is VENICE so let’s spend time here with Rosanna Ley as a magical world unfolds in front of you…


What a magical package holiday via books that was.

5 books, many destinations, a world of wanderlust!



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