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Poldark – the story so far

  • Submitted: 7th June 2018

Poldark is back on our screens this Sunday so we thought it was time to look back on the story so far and catch up a bit with what could happen in the series to come. Whether you’ve read the books or not, never fear, Seamus the horse is bringing the man with the L’Oreal head of hair back to our screens…


Poldark (c) The Booktrail

Book 1/2 – series one

Ross Poldark

Demelza Poldark

Tired from war in America, Ross Poldark returns to Cornwall. But the joyful homecoming he has anticipated turns sour, for his father is dead, his estate is derelict and the girl he loves is engaged to his cousin.

Marriage to Demelza brings happiness but also many challenges.  But some still find it hard to accept her in his life, least of all his former sweetheart Elizabeth. George Warleggan causes trouble as only he can. Jud and Prudy – bless ’em what can you say about these two?

A lovely young doctor named Doctor Enys comes to Cornwall….

Poldark Screen

Poldark Screen


Books 3/4 – series two



Ross Poldark faces the darkest hour of his life. Accused of wrecking two ships, he is to stand trial at the Bodmin Assizes. Well, this is just what George Warleggan was waiting for!Jud and Prudy continue to cause mischief in their own little way.

In Warleggan – The man with a face of someone sucking a lemon finally gets his own book! You can imagine the racket in  Trenwith when this happened. Still causing trouble for Ross and the mine…He’s married to Elisabeth now though. You’d think he’d be smiling at least some times!

Dr Enys falls in love with a woman who buys him a cartload of oranges.


The Big Red Book of Poldark (c) The Booktrail


Series three – Books 5/6


The Four Swans

Oh Ross, things were going so well. Your little ‘ situation’ with Elisabeth has resulted in a son. Not sure if he’s yours or not. And you can’t tell if Warleggan suspects as he always looks as miserable as he does now. Poor little mite if he is the father!

There’s a real sadness for Ross and Demelza when Julia dies.

There’s a lovely little love story going on at the same time between Morwenna Chynoweth, now governess to Elizabeth’s eldest son and Drake Carne, Demelza’s brother. That’s not going to make George any happier! Ross and Demelza have a son.

In the Four Swans, the women of Cornwall fight back! The lady with the oranges comes back to claim her doctor beau. Morwenna takes control of her life and Demelza finds herself an admirer…Then there’s Elizabeth




New series – Series four will find Aidan Tuner’s Ross Poldark in Westminster…….

Poldark book 7

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