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The Caretakers set in Paris by Amanda Bestor-Siegal

  • Submitted: 25th April 0250

The Caretakers, Paris, Amanda Bestor-Siegal

A story about American au-pairs living and working in Paris. Why are they here and from where have they come? Are they all here for the same reasons?

They all meet at a French class with a very weird and stalky teacher Geraldine. One day a child is found dead in the care of one of the au-pairs and their stories, their lives start to merge in more ways than one.

BookTrail the locations in The Caretakers

The Caretakers set in Paris by Amanda Bestor-Siegal

Boarding Pass Information : The Caretakers

Destination : Paris

Author guide: Amanda Bestor-Siegal 

Genre:literary fiction

Food and drink to accompany: student food french style





BookTrail the locations in The Caretakers

If you have ever wondered or had experience of being an au-pair in another country, then this novel is going to really hit home. This is the story of several people who meet via their experience of working in Paris. I’ve never done this myself but I have lived abroad and so recognised many of the events, feelings and situations in this book. If you ever been an au pair I imagine you will get so much more from this book!

We meet several women who are working in the city and each of them tells their own story although not in the first person which was interesting. This gave the novel a reporting vibe and when Lou comes into the story, this is the only character who speaks more than once so it’s their story we are hearing. There is onc central mystery of a crime taking place but the real story is with each of the aupairs. Who are they, where do they come from and why are they in Paris?

The Caretakers set in Paris by Amanda Bestor-Siegal

You get a keen sense of who these girls are and the community that they form when they share such experiences in a strange city. There’s a real insight into this which was good, but certain parts did drag and I think the chapters and character sections could have beeen shorter and more impactful.

It’s a slow burn of a novel and isn’t a mystery, a police procedural or thriller although it borrows bits from many genres.

Paris comes out on top!

BookTrail the locations in The Caretakers



Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Paris


BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Caretakers

Web: amandabestorsiegal.com

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