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The Harbour set in Copenhagen Katrine Engberg

  • Submitted: 7th April 2022

Copenhagen’s harbour – Danish Noir

This has to be the book with one of the most atmospheric covers ever. You could just walk into that cover right? Well, it’s raining so maybe not, but it’s so pretty!  Copenhagen’s harbour is one of the prettiest I have ever seen and this book is just inviting you to read it! I was drawn in straight away. Danish Noir is right up there with Swedish and Norwegian. Wait until you see what happens in this novel!

BookTrail the locations in The Harbour

The Harbour set in Copenhagen Katrine Engberg

Boarding Pass Information : The Harbour

Destination : Copenhagen

Author guide: Katrine Engberg

Genre: police procedural, crime ficiton

Food and drink to accompany:A Danish pastry!





BookTrail the locations in The Harbour

If that cover doesn’t draw you in, I don’t know what will. This has all the Danish Noir thrills from the start as most of the  book\s action takes place in and around it. Think dark streets, rain, a claustrophobic feel and a sense of foreboding…

There is one bit of luxury however as  some of the warehouses here have been converted into posh apartments. The main family in the story live here and one day, Oscar, their 14 year old son goes missing. Even weirder still is the fact that the gothic drama The Picture of Dorian Gray might hold a vital clue. Now this literary clue aspect really interested me. What does it mean and how on earth is this going to help the police find him? My mind was truly boggled.

Copenhagen police detectives Jeppe Korner and Anette Werner are back to find out. We also find out a lot more about them here. This character development really needs you to have read the books in order I think due to what goes on in aside to the plots. Jeppe is with someone and things are getting serious between them. Annette on the other hand, what are you doing woman?

The Harbour set in Copenhagen Katrine Engberg

The case cracks along at a good pace and there are lots of threads and clues to follow. Dorian Gray did not disappoint.

The thread of the novel are woven and knotted together and with the harbour setting, this is quite a unique story with some sharp twists and that ominous mist of the harbour shrouding everything.

I’ve read some great Danish Noir recently and this is one of them!Tara CHACE is the translator of this novel and she has captured the tone and style of the Danish well.

BookTrail the locations in The Harbour



Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Denmark



BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Harbour

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