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The Paris Deception set in the art world – Bryn Turnbull

  • Submitted: 24th November 2023

The Paris Deception set in the art world – Bryn Turnbull

Books inspired by real stories and characters send frissons of excitement up the back of my neck. This one will do the same for you. It’s set in the world of a Paris art museum at a time when the Nazis are burning and stealing all the precious art works  – mainly done by Jewish artists – that they can.

Two women decide to make forgeries and switch the originals so that they can keen them safe from Nazi hands. What a story!!

BookTrail the locations in Paris Deception


The Paris Deception set in the art world - Bryn Turnbull

Boarding Pass Information : 

Destination : PARIS

Author guide: Bryn Turnbull

Genre: historical fiction

Food and drink to accompany: rations – it’s war time




A novel to transport you to the art gallieries of Paris

BookTrail the locations in Paris Deception

A really unique novel this one. Two women take HUGE risks taking artwork, mainly painted by Jewish artists, and making forgeries. They then give the fake ones to the Nazis and safeguard the real ones for later. When the war is finished, they intend to ensure that they are protected or returned to their rightful owners.

This is the kind of story in war that really moves me. Not the fighting or the action in the trenches (thought this is just as admirable). It’s the things such as protecting art, people, standing up for the Jewish people. With what is going on in the news right now, this book sadly, could not be more timely.

I had heard about book burning and art being stolen in war time but never read about it in this way. What an author to take this and make it so emotionally charged, poignant yet utterly fascinating. I almost got my paintbrush out what with all the talk of colours and textures. Bryn Turnbull brings all that to luscious and colourful life!

I’ve read up about the museum Jeu de Paume and the impact it really did have in war time. Apparently some 22K pieces in totally passed through the museum in just under 4 years. All stolen from Jewish homes and/or bank vaults.

There’s a mix of fictional and non-fictional characters but this makes it shine as a novel – a rich tapestry that showcases what life was like in Paris at the time, the work of a museum, the work of artists in an art gallery and then how it all changes when the Germans take charge.

Everyone needs to read this. A novel about injustice, strong women and art that reunites when others try to divide people with it.

I loved this.

BookTrail the locations in Paris Deception


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Paris


BookTrail Boarding Pass: Paris Deception

Twitter:  @brynturnbull  Insta:@brynturnbullwrites


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