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The Story of a Bookseller

  • Submitted: 17th October 2018

There’s lots of independent bookstores up and down the UK which make it their daily duty to ensure that books find good homes with the right reader. Books live there until they can find their place in the world, be taken to a new home, be given as  a Christmas present,and held in someone’s hands for the first time.

(c) Forum Books

(c) Forum Books

Independent bookstores are special as they’re unique. No two are the same and no visit is the same. Every time you walk into one of these stores, there’s always something new to see and a new book to discover. But as any book lover will know, sometimes a visit can be overwhelming! Book Wizards or Independent Booksellers as they are more commonly known are there to match books to readers, to match readers to books, spread the book love and more

(c) Forum Books

(c) Forum Books

So it was a joyous bookish moment to discover that James Routledge from a very lovely Forum Books in Corbridge, Northumberland had won the Independent Bookseller of the Year Award this year. This is the store which is now in a chapel…and that chapel is linked to a church which was the fictional crime scene of a local author’s first novel! (Mari Hannah who incidentally is about to release her tenth title!)

Given to the bookseller who goes above and beyond the call of duty in recommending books, sharing and spreading the passion for reading, talking about their favourite titles and generally being a welcoming and friendly bookseller person.

(c) Forum Books

(c) Forum Books

James has been at many events I have and despite the long hours at some of them, the queues, the weird questions booksellers often get asked, I’ve never seen his smile or enthusiasm slip once. This man loves books and it shows.

James (c) Forum Books

James (c) Forum Books

I honestly couldn’t be happier that James’s picture will now be on the Bookseller of the Year wall of fame (if this is not a thing, it should be)

Congratulations James!


Susan Booktrailer


Forum Books, Corbridge


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