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Thriller set in Geneva – Richard Armitage

  • Submitted: 3rd October 2023

Geneva with Richard Armitage

Now, this novel is getting some interest on social media. It’s the actor’s first novel and a thriller to boot. With his experience of what works on the screen, you’re not going to be surprised that it’s very atmospheric and epic in scope.

A medical and political thriller that shows off Geneva in spectacular fashion. Armitage ready? Let’s go!

BookTrail the locations in Geneva

Thriller set in Geneva - Richard Armitage














Boarding Pass Information 

Destination : Geneva

Author guide: Richard Armitage

Genre: Thriller

Food and drink to accompany: Swiss chocolate of course!




BookTrail the locations in Geneva

A novel to transport you to Geneva

I never know what to expect with ‘celebrity novels’, but this is a good one. It’s a Dan Brown style medical and science thriller (and I mean that in a good way). There’s intrigued, compelling and believable science and threat, a gripping plot and inner turmoil with its characters. You do have to suspend your sense of disbelief at times but that’s nothing. The ride is totally worth it!

The setting and location is both part of the story and the story itself. A location with a remote medical facility. People from all over are coming here to discuss developments in medical science that could change the world.

The wintry world that opens up is just stunning. You’re immersed in it from the off and it never lets up. I got to see Geneva and its surrounding lakeside villages and really feel I was driving fast along the bumpy tracks towards this medical Institute. There’s something Frankenstein about it all and that gave me the shivers. It’s all so realistic and raw that I felt I was developing frostbite as I read.

BookTrail the locations in Geneva

Thriller set in Geneva - Richard Armitage

BookTrail the locations in Geneva

The tension from page one never lets up and the writing drives the fast pace and ‘ just one more page’ feeling that never stops. Sarah Collier is a Nobel prize winning scientist whose father has dementia. So lots of hard-hitting subjects in this too. She heads to the prestigious Schiller Institute  in the Swiss mountains and it’s largely due to her father’s condition that she feel compelled to go.

This personal angle was very cleverly done and I think it really gave the novel the edge. There’s the academics and a blogger too who hopes to break any stories coming out of the conference but it was Sarah Collier that led it for me. Sarah is worried she is falling victim to the same condition and with stress and her losing her sense of reality, the stakes in this novel really ramp up the tension.

For a debut, I really enjoyed this and there’s plenty to get your teeth into. I’d like to see this on screen and another thriller please Richard! Not in chilly Geneva though, I don’t think my frostbitten hands could take it.

BookTrail the locations in Geneva


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here


BookTrail Boarding Pass: Geneva

Twitter:  @RCArmitage     Instagram: /richardcarmitage/

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