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Thriller set in Russia – The Siberian Dilemma by Martin Cruz Smith

  • Submitted: 20th October 2023

Venture into deepest Siberia with a Dilemma

Thriller set in Russia – The Siberian Dilemma by Martin Cruz Smith – What you really need when it’s cold outside is a thriller that takes you the most remote place on earth and leaves you there to fend for yourself. The latest in the Arlady series does just that.

Siberia remote enough for you?

BookTrail Travel to the locations in The Siberian Dilemma

Thriller set in Russia - The Siberian Dilemma by Martin Cruz Smith

BookTrail Travel to the locations in The Siberian Dilemma




BookTrail Travel to the locations in The Siberian Dilemma

Thriller set in Russia – The Siberian Dilemma by Martin Cruz Smith

A further gripping installment of the Arkady Renko series and if this doesn’t ramp things up I don’t know what will. He heads out to the station in Moscow to meet his girlfriend but Tatiana never shows up. She’s a journalist and has just been to Siberia, so where does he go…? But how on earth is he going to find her?

Before leaving for Siberia, Tatiana was working on a story which delved into the life of a presidential candidate who just happens to be standing against Putin…..

He actually ends up going to Siberia on another case, the case of attempted murder no less.

The premise of his journey to Siberia and the very setting itself is not your usual thriller fare. It’s set in the middle of nowhere, in a land we’ll probably never go to (certainly not that bit) and it’s set in the murky world of Russian politics.

Tell you what, it might be murky but it’s a fascinating murky world. There’s politics, behind the scenes politics and the void between rich, obscenely rich and the rest of the population…. Once in Siberia, the landscape takes over and you get thrown in to the raw and visceral atmosphere (with a brown bear of two thrown in for good measure.)

There’s some kick-ass action scenes in this book and it’s a great addition to the Arkady series.

BookTrail Travel to the locations in The Siberian Dilemma


Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

More books set in Russia here



BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Siberian Dilemma

Twitter: @martincruzsmith  Web: Martin Cruz Smith.com

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