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Thriller set in Sweden – Camilla Grebe After She’s Gone

  • Submitted: 13th February 2019

Camilla Grebe’s Sweden is a chilling place to be

In a small backwater town in Sweden, a young boy with a dark secret comes across a diary. At the same time, a cold case investigation suddenly becomes eerily current…Then a police investigator mysteriously disappears. What links these seemingly random events?

BookTrail Travel to locations in After She’s Gone

Camilla Grebe

Interesting that the word “Hjusdjuret’ in Swedish means ‘ pet’ such as a dog or cat. Fascinating to see where the original title was leading readers….

BookTrail Travel to locations in After She’s Gone


I read this in Swedish ages ago(the second in the “Girl in the Dark” series and I didn’t make the connection doh!) and so when I started to read this, I shivered a bit as I remembered how dark and chilling it was. It doesn’t lose any of the chill factor in the English let me tell you. It’s the skill of the translator that some parts seem even darker!

A young female cop returns to a small town she was so desperate to flee. She tells one part of the story. The other, is a fourteen year old boy through a journal he finds. This technique works well and as they describe the same set of people over different time lines, a worrying and haunting picture builds up…

There’s a lot of threads to this and characters pop in and out so don’t read it too fast and once those threads start to tie up…it paints quite the picture.

There’s a body, a missing policeman, a characters with memory loss and a traumatized young boy. Plus someone found wandering around in her bare feet. There is something very strange going on in this town of Omberg ( just as well it’s fictional!)

As well as this crime and mystery thriller, part of the plot centers around a refugee house and the issues and prejudices this can cause. Malin, the police officer is forced to change her view on what she thinks of the whole affair and what an ending!

Camilla always places you at the heart of the story and the landscape she describes and this is no exception

BookTrail Travel to locations in After She’s Gone

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Postcard details:  Access The BookTrail’s Map of Locations and travel guide here

BookTrail more novels set in Sweden here


BookTrail Boarding Pass: After She’s Gone

Twitter: @camillagrebe

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