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Zoe Ball Book Club

  • Submitted: 5th August 2018

There’s not many programmes on television about books – scratch that – make that none – so it’s lovely to see the book club on Zoe Ball on Sundays at 8-30 am. There’s been some top books of all genres on there but today’s by Tony Kent was perhaps the most explosive yet!

Visit the locations of this week’s book here

A run down:

Zoe Ball Book Club

Zoe Ball holds the book

Zoe Ball Book Club

The author reading from his book

Zoe Ball Book Club

In the studio with Nish Kumar and Phil Davis

Visit the locations of this week’s book here

Each week showcases the book with a short film which really does bring the book to life!

Zoe Ball Book Club

Shot from the short film

Zoe Ball Book Club

Shot from the short film

If you’re not following the Zoe Ball Book Club then you are missing out. This is what we booklovers need and want more of. It’s another way of spreading the book love to people who might not read much but will pick up a book based on a recommendation. Even Phil Davis admitted on the show that he doesn’t normally read thrillers but that Killer Intent was something he found himself engrossed in.

It’s nothing about a murderer on a campsite he joked. Ah it reminded me of something Jud from Poldark would say and I smiled

Aware that the author had both a boxer and a legal background, he then quipped something along the lines that ‘Tony Kent might murder you but then he’d get himself off the hook”

Zoe Ball wondered if “Tony Kent Killer Intent was some kind of Cockney Rhyming Slang. Don’t know but it should be!

Nish Kumar seemed perplexed but ended up saying that he was going to read this and soon.


The Zoe Ball Book Club is on every Sunday at 8-30 am. Bookclub chat usually starts around 8.45

Visit the locations of this week’s book here

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